Latest News:
- The 2nd workshop will take place in the spring of 2025. Stay tuned for more information!
- Check out the Workshop 1 Infographic for a summary of the outcomes of the 1st workshop.
Ecological transformations, also known as state changes, regime shifts or vegetation type conversions, can be caused by many different disturbances including wildfire, climate change, and invasive species, as well as interactions between these drivers. This workshop series will focus on transformations of terrestrial vegetation (e.g., forests or shrublands to grasslands).
The goals of these workshops are to 1) identify areas of transformation due to wildfire and grass invasion and 2) evaluate management practices that enhance carbon storage, native biodiversity, and improve resilience, including tradeoffs among priorities.
Who should attend?All are welcome, but we especially encourage you to attend if you are a researcher or manager working on ecological transformations, invasive plant species, wildfire, climate change, biodiversity, or carbon storage.

- 1st workshop: explore the concept of ecosystem transformation and identify case studies (held virtually December 7, 2023, 9 am - 12 pm MT)
- 2nd workshop: focus on the implications of ecosystem transformation on carbon storage as well as highlighting areas that are vulnerable to future transformations (spring 2025)
- 3rd workshop: evaluate management practices that enhance carbon storage and improve native resilience and look at a portfolio of management practices that are being used in the region (fall 2025)